The Easiest Foods to Grow Yourself

By Kelly Morgan, PhD, MBA
Chair, Fundraising and Marketing Committee

Whether you have a green thumb or not, there are numerous foods you can grow indoors with minimal effort. Many of these you can just use scraps from your produce to grow more - how incredible is that?

Growing your own food at home is not only economical, but it's also better for your health. You know what's going into your food (and most importantly, what's not!) and growing it yourself helps you to feel more connected to your eating habits, giving you the motivation to eat more fresh, whole foods.

With some sunny windowsills working in your favor, you can grow the following at home (plus many, many more):


Simply cut off the bottom base of your celery, place it in a bowl with a bit of water. Keep in direct sunlight until you start to see growth (after about a week) -- once your celery begins to grow, you can transplant it into the soil, and you've got your very own fruitful celery plant.


Toss a few lettuce leaves in a bowl with some water at the bottom. Keep in direct sunlight, spraying your leaves with water throughout the week until you see new growth. When you notice roots growing, transplant into soil.


Keep one clove from your next bulb of garlic to plant. Place the roots face down into potting soil in a pot that drains. Keep in direct sunlight until you begin to notice new shoots growing from your bulb. Once you cut the new shoots down, your garlic clove will produce a bulb that you can harvest.


Many herbs are also incredibly easy to grow from scraps at home. These staple foods that are used in many recipes on a consistent basis are great options to have grown at home, saving you an incredible amount of money over time.

BlogRhonda Watson